The Kardashian Kard: Synergy Catastrophe
The Kardashian Kard Just when you thought we’d seen the financial services industry at it’s shadiest… they found a way to partner with someone even worse, Hollywood. The Kardashian Kard is a prepaid...
View ArticleTaxes: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
Under Republican pressure, President Obama recently announced his plan to extend the Bush Tax cuts for another two years. That pressure comes from politicians who keep insisting that tax cuts,...
View ArticleWhy Taxes Don’t Matter
I guess this is part two of my economic policy rant. This morning I woke up well rested and I was greeted by CNN with yet another Republican talking point: “we should extend the Bush tax cuts because...
View ArticleThe Odds of Winning The Lottery
When the recent Mega Millions Lottery jackpot of $355 million hit the news and I kept hearing how horrible of a gamble the lottery was. With odds of winning the jackpot at 1 in 175,711,536 the lottery...
View ArticleEnergy in Motion
An 18 credit quarter has left my blog pretty inactive over the past few months but I decided to post this Google motion chart on world energy usage a while back. My inspiration was Hans Rosling and his...
View ArticleThese Blogs Are Better Than Mine
My blog has been dormant for almost two months now. But luckily, a six day weekend has left me with plenty of time to read other people’s blogs. If you have sat behind me on my one day of class this...
View ArticleLinks: Arab Spring
As you may know, I am a news junkie. I’ve followed the Arab Spring uprisings for some time now. Egypt made headlines as Hosni Mubarak was overthrown, and there have been stories trickling out since...
View ArticleRSA Podcasts on Debt and Sustainability
The Economics of Good and Evil – Tomáš Sedláčekvideo | audio This is a great presentation explaining Keynesian economic theory and the practical use of it with regard to the use of debt. Basically it...
View ArticleClass Warfare Sounds Dignified in the Queen’s English
After the Riots – Owen Jonesaudio | RSA Podcasts The RSA, my latest favorite podcast, just released this really great discussion about the London Riots. Before listening I was only vaguely aware of...
View ArticleNuclear Energy Roundtable
Is nuclear energy different than other energy sources? | The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists I recently found that The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has an ongoing roundtable of a series of...
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